»caracas hero«, »göteborg hero«
95 x 58 cm, acrylic color on heavy cardridge paper, 2000
120 x 80 cm, acrylic color on canvas, 1997

»augusten ecke briennerstraße - series«
98 x 68 cm, acrylic color on cardboard, 1999 + 2000

»merchandise hero 2«
100 x 100 cm, acrylic color on wood, 2002

»merchandise hero 1«
170 x 100 cm, acrylic color on canvas, 1999

»family ricola, vernel sisters, queen vasa, taxi perrier«
98 x 68 x 5 cm / 68 x 68 x 5 cm / 65 x 48 x 5 cm / 40 x 60 x 5 cm acrylic color on cardboard, 2000

200 x 60 cm, acrylic color on heavy cardboard, 2004

140 x 110 cm, acrylic color on heavy cardboard, 2003

»the all inclusive series«
49 x 64 x 4 cm each, acrylic color on wood constructions, 2005 + 2006

220 x 68 x 7 cm, acrylic color and paper on a cardboard construction, 2002 + 2005

»unscheduled breakpoint of a tourist party from bielefeld«
92 x 69 x 12 cm, spice, plastic, plaster and acrylic color on cardboard construction, 2002

81 x 66 cm, acrylic color on heavy cardridge paper, 2002

 most important paintings   1998 - 2006